Wednesday 2 May 2012

Friday 27th April 2012

Yesterday I went to Tao kwon do. They moved premises this week so it was my first time in the new building

I caught two four pound pike in Knockaport. J C

We had a chicken at home and a donkey. Our donkey is sick so we put him in a stable and the chicken was in it and the door opened and the donkey stood on him. C D

This morning my sister was playing the harmonica. She dosen't know how to play it, and our dog Rosy started growling at the harmonica which kind of sounded like she was singing along to it. E O' M

We got a rowing boat at the week end. It is white, black and pink. T A

Yesterday our baby chickens died. We think the cats got at them. My mom and I buried them. DS

We have painted the walls on our new house. A M

Sliabh Aughty Drama group qualified for the All Ireland in Sherkock, Co Cavan. There were twenty nine groups in the confined category. They were very happy and proud to be in the final seen as they were only on the road doing festivals for five years. They were on the road before that but took a break for a while. They are great actors and actresses. Congratulations to the director, cast and crew. Well done and good luck, hope ye do well. S M

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