Wednesday 9 January 2013

Friday 14th December 2012

Today is Friday and my cousins birthday is next week. A M

I went to Anthony's house yesterday. D S

I am going to see the Pirates of Penzance tonight. S W

My gran-dad's mass is on tonight in Whitegate church. I am going to my granny's house after for tea. R H

Today is Friday and we had rehearsals for our play in the hall. N B

I went to see the Pirates of Penzance last night .It was very good and enjoyable. I am going to Tao Kwon Do tonight. A N

We are going to have a party at the cubs tonight. L O' M

There was a meteor shower last night. E K

We are having a party today for the cubs and my friend Anthony is coming to my house. My dad is in hospital. O B

Tonight I am going to see the Pirates of Penzance in Scariff. A M

Cub scouts are having a party because its over for the Christmas holidays and I am going to my friend's house today. A M

Yesterday Nathan went to the doctor and he is sick. LM

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